日记 - 2009年7月27日09/07/27 14:04

Little Isaiah papa对isaiah/贝比说:2009-07-27 10:15:28Good day to every parents, &am child, May every child grows healthy, th

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日记 - 2009年7月1日09/07/01 19:30

Little Isaiah Papa对isaiah/贝比说:2009-06-26 10:26:49Good day to all parents, Is weekend, which means little Isaiah papa &am

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日记 - 2009年4月1日09/04/01 11:54

Good day to all the parents:) How are you &am how is your little angel:) Wishing everyone healthy just like my little An

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日记 - 2009年3月23日09/03/23 19:21

Good day to everyones... Yesterday, spent whole day with little Isaiah, brought him to swim swim but the moment little i

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日记 - 2009年3月19日09/03/20 15:28

Copy and paste Isaiah's papa message by Isaiah mamaLittle Isaiah papa对isaiah说:2009-03-19 10:23:31 Greeting to all parent

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