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日记 - 2009年7月15日2009-07-15 19:47

Today, we are having the lunch, the crazy grandam came and sit beside my son when he was fall a sleep and moving in the sofa, my son always sleep like this, but have she never seen my son sleeping? Crazy! She is nervous! She always want my son wake up! But she dosen't know that baby have to sleep as more as he can, and she always hold my son and speak to him many words which are let me hear by her offensive voice. Like yesterday, she spoke to my son:" Oh, I haven't seen you this whole day!" And then she said:" You don't talk to us, you sure don't know how to speak."  Dose she crazy?! My son never need talk to her! If talk to her, he will learn all the Longjiang words from her. How come she said like this?! Is she haven't brain? I will chat with my son, i will teach him English, Domestic,Cantonese...And tell him stories, sing to him songs by Chinese and English! Did she do these? No. Never! Because she dosen't know anything! She just a crazy old woman, and she will die at once!!! In this family, nobody is good person, none of one will thing about my son, they never let him sleep. I hate them very very very very very much!  

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留言板 留言(2条)

  • xcwxc对BB说:2014-04-16 21:12:27
  • 友情是微微春风,让朋友绽开笑脸; 友情是浩瀚大海,让朋友神悦心宽; 友情是陈年佳酿,让朋友飘逸悠然; 友情是优美音乐,让朋友沁醉心田, 愿我们的友谊天长地久!祝您永远幸福!
  • xcwxc对BB说:2014-04-16 21:12:16
  • 友情是微微春风,让朋友绽开笑脸; 友情是浩瀚大海,让朋友神悦心宽; 友情是陈年佳酿,让朋友飘逸悠然; 友情是优美音乐,让朋友沁醉心田, 愿我们的友谊天长地久!祝您永远幸福!

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