Grow up story

08/10/17 10:02:35 标签:Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep.

       Long time no remember diary for you,my baby!But so many new story I should and already record for you.      

      Jun.:Baby,you achieved your weaning mum's milk.   

      Jul.:you learn to creep and eager to jump and stand         

     Aug.:1. my dear,you can well creep.

             2.Olympic game is the biggest things in this month and your life.My baby,do you remember the match of handball?it’s wonderful,but maybe you can’t accept this noisy situation,scared and excited.   

               My baby,you are so great!the creep macth,although the second reach the final.Thanks,my baby!

     Sep.:Baby,do you know?Every morning and every day,”Baba, baba …..”could not be stopped by you.Your dad so pleased,but your mum is jealous of this!Until one day,your mengmeng aunt said,your dad should be laboriousness since you speak “dad”firstly,mum comfortable than before,you think it’s right?尴尬    

      Oct.: My baby,you want to go every day!Mum,dad,gradmonthers all tried for this,but please for your process!Nearly your birthday,what do you want.Mum and dad all so busy these days.Your dad said he will go to ask the blessing in BJ Lama temple.Hope you can grow up happily every day!Happy birthday,my honey!

Mumy love you!亲吻

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  • 远远的爱对牛牛说:2008-10-17 22:05:29
  • 哇噻!又在这里拽上英文了?好难啊!我看了半天!怎么光给我出难题!明明知道人家现在是个英语盲!呵呵! 昨天是宝贝的阴历生日,都忘了!我只记得他的阳历生日!在这里送上迟到的祝福!愿宝贝健康、幸福、快乐的长大!! 最后本人还有个小小的请求:下次要是写英文日记时,劳驾附带中文翻译,ok?嘻嘻!
  • keersimon回复 远远的爱说:你别谦虚了!激发一下你的热情,主要给宝宝做个榜样哈!嘻嘻

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