Breakfast or Lunch

08/11/25 14:48:38 标签:

  It is sunday,I never get up early on sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. Last sundasy, I got up very later,I looked at the window ,"What a day!" I thought .It was dark outside, Just then the telephone was rang, it was my aunt luncy."I've just arrived by train,I'm coming to see you "she said.

  But I'm having breakfast ,I said

  What are you doing ,she asked

  I'm having breakfast,I repeated

  Dear me,she asked "Do you always got up so later,It was one'clock"

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  • 晟晟妈对Andy说:2008-12-11 09:25:56
  • 这个动作高难度啊!亲家真是身轻如燕啊
  • 宸宸宝贝2008对Andy说:2008-11-27 10:46:49
  • 全是英文啊.看起来好吃力.呵呵

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