
08/12/04 12:06:55 标签:

I gave you life, but cannot live it for you.

i can giv you directions, but i cannot be there to lead you.

i can take you to church, but i cannot make you believe.

i can buy you beautiful clothes, but i cannot make you beautiful inside.

i can give you love, but i cannot force it upon you,

i can teach you to share, but i cannot make you unselfish.

i can teach you respect, but i cannot force you to show honor.

i can advise you about friends, but cannot choose them for you.

i can tell you about alcohol& drugs, but i cannot say no for you.

i can tell you about lofty goals, but i cannot achieve them for you.

i can teach you about kindness, but i cannot force you to be gracious.

i can pray for you, but i cannot make you walk with God.

i can tell you how to live, but i cannot give you eternal life.

i can love you with unconditional love all of my life.. and i wil

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  • dudu071025对贝贝说:2008-12-08 09:59:00
  • love ! mother's love!

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