No wrong numbers

08/12/08 10:16:30 标签:

  Mr Jame Socct has a garage in silbruy andnow he has just bought another garage in pinhurt.Pinhurt is only 5 mails from silbruy .But he cannot get a telephone in his new garage. So he has just bought 12 pigeons .Yesterday one pigeon carried the first message from pinhurt to silbury.The bird covered the distance only three minutes.Up to now,Mr Socct sent a great many requests of spare parts and other engent messages from one garage to the other.In this way,he has begun own private "telephone" service.




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  • 晟晟妈对Andy说:2008-12-11 09:26:51
  • 你咋英文嘎好的啦,全写英文的说

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