What do you think is the real quality of life?

09/01/15 11:00:35 标签:

What is the quality of life? Someone thinks that the quality of life equals to big house, luxury car, steady job with high salary, carefree life. Others think that the quality of life means lofty ideals, ambition, the process of continual self-break and self realization, even though they just have adequate food and clothing.

In front of flashy and showy reality, what do you think is the real quality of life?
Pursuing the fame and money, focusing on the result, or ceaselessly striving and focusing on the process?  We want your opinions.

life is not so long that sometimes it slips without any notice. during the process of being alive, we'd better do our utmost to realize our value. it's a way of proving ourselves. also, it's one of the many sources to get fun, which in this world, especially in adult world, is getting less and less. people tend to persue a life with enough material substances but leave its quality far behind.

work hard to prove our significance. it's the significance to our boss, to our family, even to those who are habituated to looking down upon us. that's my own understanding about a real quality life.

futhermore, i'd like to send all of you a sentence that i favour so much
on your journey to what you think is a real quality life, always bear it in your mind and i do think you'll benefit from it so much.

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