In the Middle of Nowhere

09/03/29 15:07:13 标签:


  People do have lazy periods of time, don't they? In a changeable afternoon, you sit in the bed facing the screen, with the heavy curtain closed, getting in the middle of nowhere. But you still don't fell like getting up. That is me, at this、very、time being.

 Acrually, I treasure most of my leasure times, especially the weekends How come I am suddenly lost in this? I can hear my cute babies' laughters and cries out there in the  parlour. sometimes they would call me, hoping I can get up to join them. Still, felling blue.....

Perhaps I have been thinking too much, which I always intended to avoid. Perhaps I am just undergoing the so-called gloomy-periods. Err....who knows? Focusing on some tiny aspects of our dailylife can't be more depressing, sometimes. Oops!  Ok, stop here, I gonna get up and put on my rooler skates to have some fun, whatever!

 High Five~!

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  • qqkehanbb对大宝、小宝说:2009-03-31 08:44:09
  • 怎么能不来看你呢,你是俺姐呢,发牢骚怎么啦,这才像是个正常人呢?不发牢骚才不正常了呢?
  • 乐晨妈咪对大宝、小宝说:2009-03-30 22:11:48
  • 哎,偶的英语水平不能和大学老师相提并论啊,惭愧惭愧
  • deliashi回复 乐晨妈咪说:乐乐妈妈,太过奖了,汗哪~
  • qqkehanbb对大宝、小宝说:2009-03-30 10:28:11
  • 姐,你整人呀,翻译下吧,我的英语忘了很多了,不能完全翻译出来呀...
  • deliashi回复 qqkehanbb说:哈哈 妹妹 谢谢你来看我 不管我写的是什么 你都会给我留言 让我好感动 我偶尔发发牢骚 做做怨妇 你最好不要看懂 免得带坏你的心情哦 哈哈。。。。

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