
09/04/04 11:55:12 标签:

When I weigh vincent this morning, he turn to 5.6kg. Oh, my god!

What a tubby! My fat calf!

He came with 3.505kg, and he has gained 60% weight increase in the past 15 days with 4% gain every day. You are like a balloon!

Can I call you tubby from today on?

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  • 若琪对文文 (vincent), 可乐说:2009-04-08 23:22:41
  • What amazing ! normally,baby's weight will rise 1~3Kg at the first month. Are you sure you read the right number?
  • vincent_20090314回复 若琪说:Hi, I figured out a easy way to weigh babay. I hold baby in my arms and stand on the scale to get weight A, then I only weigh myself to get weight B. A minus B is baby's weight...What a fat baby!

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