A Nice Trip

09/04/25 20:18:11 标签:

 With the decent weather, we left early for Hangzhou. We travelled to Huanggang Guanyu and Taiziwan Park. I promised to Xiaobao to take him to watch fish, so went there first. We were lucky enough to the peacocks in thrie prides. Interestingly, some peacocks even exibited their spledid feathers in responding to the tourist applauses and cheers of encouragement. We joined people in clapping and shooted some great vedios. Now we are going to show u some pics:

No. 1. A white peacock in his pride(Mom referred to some foreign tourists, two of them told her that they were from France and did not konw how to address this bird in English, but they told Mom that the French word for this is Paon. And finally Mom got to know the English version for it and she felt ashamed of forgetting the word. So there is a lot, a lot for her to learn. 眨眼):


 The green one:


No. 2.  I met some hot girls and they were surprised to know that I could speak some English. Mummy invited them to take a photo with me and they agreed happily. But I was so naughty and uncooperative that they kept dancing with me. Finally Mummy made me obedient with the temptation of a candy. Mummy knows that is something I will never say no to,  


No. 3. My whole family thought the following pic was very great. What shall I call it? A Mug Shot? Maybe.....(Be careful not to fall in love with me.....)


 No. 4. I fed the fish with a bean paste bun today :


No. 5. Mummy made sit there to be her model. A man was attracted by me and also wanted to take a pic of me. But I was always so naughty:


Is there  a feeling of art here,大笑


No. 6. The tulips are for Mummy's close friend, Kehan's Mummy:


Each time Mummy takes me out, I can't be happier. Although I feel tired sometimes, it is all worth it. I could only say that I just love it! Next time would be my elder brother's turn, What a pity!

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  • dmd对大宝、小宝说:2009-04-30 09:45:06
  • 孔雀开屏真好看啊~~~小宝摆的pose好帅~
  • dmd对大宝、小宝说:2009-04-28 14:25:08
  • 小宝真象开开哦,小帅哥!
  • deliashi回复 说:我想了半天这是谁呢?哦,原来是那个家伙穿上马甲了,哈哈,还真差点认不出来了,你的嘟宝贝最近乖吗?
  • 乐晨妈咪对大宝、小宝说:2009-04-27 19:40:45
  • 小宝那张大头照好可爱,亲一个,哈
  • deliashi回复 乐晨妈咪说:呵呵 我也很喜欢那一张 无意中拍的 准备永久保留了
  • 乐晨妈咪对大宝、小宝说:2009-04-27 19:40:18
  • 呵呵,这招比我的狠,向你学习
  • qqkehanbb对大宝、小宝说:2009-04-27 10:36:21
  • 谢谢姐了,为什么又用英文写呀,明知道我英文能力不及你的,呜呜...
  • deliashi回复 qqkehanbb说:亲爱的妹妹 用英文写是想练练手 也想以后给孩儿们看 不学好英语妈妈记得日记都会看不懂哈

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