




07/03/05 12:22:05 标签:给ANNA的信

Dear Anna
It was very nice to get your e-mail. I’m very happy and surprised! Very sorry for my late reply. Because the net was broken for two weeks. And my mother forgot to bring back your letter to me. Yes, I met your grandpa in my city. He is very kind and interesting. Both Flora and I like him. We still talk about him sometimes now. I hope he can visit us again. Of course, we hope you can come with him, too. I think you’re so luck because you have a younger sister. I like younger sisters very much. I hope my aunt can give me a little sister. But she prefers a boy. My aunt will have a baby at the end of this month, maybe earlier. I’m very excited about this. Christmas was very exciting. We had a party in my home. How many kids of us all together, can you guess? There are seven in our group. Six girls and one boy. We study English together more than one year. And we invited another four children to the party this time, and their parents. Oh, my God, there were almost 30 people in my home that night. We sang songs, danced and played games. Everyone was happy. I send you some pictures. You can have a look. Oh, I forget one important thing. Flora and I are primary students now. And so is Kitty. We three are best friends. We’re in the same class. Kitty is younger and shorter than Flora and IBut she runs the fastest. I’m not good at sports. I like singing and drawing. And reading is one happy thing for me. We’ll have final exam two week later. After the exam, we’ll have our winter vocation. Mum said we can go to HaiNan to travel. HaiNan is an island in the south of China. It’s very warm now. We can even go swimming in the sea. Dear Anna, my dad suggests that we can write to each other from now on. Then maybe some day in the future, we can meet each other in England or China. It will be magic, do you think so? I have to stop here. I want to go out to watch TV. I can watch TV only on Friday and Saturday. My mother helps me to write to you. I hope I can write by myself in the future. Anna, I’ll tell you when my aunt has a baby.                                              Chilaya

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