日记 - 2011年2月21日

11/02/21 20:01:08 标签:



Rose went to bed late last night,about ten she fell asleep.

Today in the kindergarden,when i went into the classroom to see her,she saw me then waved hand and said "hello"to me.i asked "who i am?",she smiley sad"mom".

When lunch break,after a few minutes she fell asleep,she was chatting with someone right by.

When i came back she opened my bag to see if i brought .

After supper she was very excited to tell me what happened at the kindergarden.

It's said that rose wanted to drink others's milk.

When i went to bed she said she can take off her shoes & clothes by herself.--indeed.

Now i told her that mom was so tired and wanted to sleep,she agreed and slept too.

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