日记 - 2011年3月26日

11/03/26 19:04:10 标签:



Today is  weekend,very sunny day,good weather.

Last night rose woke up several times and touched me then told me "I want to sleep",hoho,continued to fall asleep.

When she did bad things, for example,she teared her books,i said "you're a bad guy",then she answered "yes, i was a bad guy,I didn't take good care of my books".

We went out for a walk many times,but she always let me embrace her,i told her mom was tired,she pretended to sleep.

Take her to buy shoes, she weared then wasn't willing to take it off.

Got my salary yesterday,bought many things she wanted,so she was very happy.

Reviewed her lessons, some knowledge she didn't remember.



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