
12/02/02 10:58:39 标签:



丽莎今年8岁,单亲,喜欢提问,各种各样童稚的问题。邻居的爷爷,儿子已经去世,脾气古怪,有收集蝴蝶标本的癖好。一天,丽莎闯进了爷爷的密室,发现了五彩斑斓的蝴蝶标本。爷爷还说,他要到山上去采集一个叫“伊莎贝拉”的蝴蝶,丽莎大喜,要跟爷爷一起去探险,她多么希望跟着爷爷去看满天飞的蝴蝶。一路上,丽莎给爷爷添了不少麻烦,因为她有问不完的问题,还放走了爷爷采来的蝴蝶。丽莎掉进了一个山洞,爷爷着急,找来了救生人员。两人的友谊、亲情,与美丽的大自然融为一体。 Julien, an aging widower, is a passionate butterfly collector. Elsa, a nine-year-old girl, with her mother, just moved into his apartment building. The mother is usually away, and Elsa starts visiting Julien. One day, Julien decides to go to the Vercors plateau in search for a rare butterfly called Isabelle which can live for only 72 hours. Elsa decides to join his adventure, without telling him. Julien grudgingly agrees to let her stay. During the search Julien eventually reveals butterfly collecting was a hobby of his son, who then died very young. The story complicates when Elsa's mother reports her daughter kidnapped. 小编点评:法国的电影总能保持一种特殊的文学气质——仿佛银幕的方式从来不会让文学从书本中脱离。《蝴蝶》绝对是其中的代表。其实这部电影孩子们究竟能不能真的看懂我表示怀疑,但却绝对能让身为“大人”的你从另一个侧面了解孩子们的世界。 另外本篇的配乐也是亮点之一。传闻红遍大江南北的“吉祥三宝”是抄袭它的主题曲,依小编看来,原著高明太多。

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