
12/02/02 10:51:47 标签:

小鬼当家 小鬼当家



一年一度的圣诞节又到了。全家忙着外出欢度圣诞假期,不料忙中出错,将家里最小的成员——8岁的凯文留在了家里。爸爸妈妈急坏了,可此时他们已经身在外地,一时亦无可奈何。倒是凯文乐坏了,难得一个人在家,凯文将家里布置成了“游乐场”。 两个刚出狱的窃贼将目光瞄向了凯文家。当他们鬼鬼祟祟的踏入凯文家时,凯文凭借自己的醒目和家里的“游乐场机关”,和两个笨贼玩起了 “游戏”,笑料百出。凯文最后能否这场“游戏”的胜利?

8-year-old Kevin McAllister is accidentally left behind when his family takes off for a vacation in France over the holiday season. Once he realizes they've left him home by himself, Kevin learns to fend for himself, and eventually has to protect his house against bumbling burglars Harry and Marv, who are planning to rob every house in Kevin's suburban Chicago neighborhood. Kevin's mother Kate is frantic when she realizes that she and the family have unintentionally left Kevin behind in Chicago, and she tries to make it back to Chicago as fast as she can, getting help from a polka band leader named Gus Polinski.


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