Today, right after dinner, I helped my mother to bathe James. It was not an easy task! When I put James into the bathing tube, he screamed happily and splashed at the water. The water then splashed onto me. He has not been bathed in the bathing tube for a long time because my parents thought that it was very troublesome. Well anyway, I squated down and washed my hands. After that, I walked out of the bathroom and pretended to close the door. James was playing with two balls which float in the tube. Halfway though closing the door,I suddenly open it with a crash. James looked up and laughed at me. I laughed too. He looked so cute! Well then, I washed him and carried him out of the bath tube. He seemed very reluctant to get out of the water but he came out anyway. Them mumy came in and then I had to go out of the bathroom because it is time for James to sleep. I think James is an adorable baby and that he would grow up to be a big boss.
- ·2008
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- ·Vivo City
- ·一岁十个月
- ·两岁总结
- ·中秋
- ·乐乐
- ·乐乐不尿床
- ·乐乐也入围宝宝之星
- ·乐乐也去了照相馆
- ·乐乐今天要远行
- ·乐乐会走了
- ·乐乐像爸爸
- ·乐乐刚出生时也很苗条
- ·乐乐去游泳
- ·乐乐去飞禽园
- ·乐乐吓了姐姐一跳
- ·乐乐听得懂
- ·乐乐喜欢往外跑
- ·乐乐回到狮城
- ·乐乐在北京
- ·乐乐在新加坡的小朋友
- ·乐乐在玩
- ·乐乐大啃汉堡包
- ·乐乐得宠了
- ·乐乐接爸爸回家
- ·乐乐早早起
- ·乐乐有人宠
- ·乐乐爬得高
- ·乐乐爱坐车
- ·乐乐现在6颗牙
- ·乐乐理发记
- ·乐乐生病了
- ·乐乐的“一”字功
- ·乐乐的其它照片
- ·乐乐的姐姐
- ·乐乐的照片
- ·乐乐的近照
- ·乐乐竟被当成小妹妹
- ·乐乐第一次和爸爸生气!
- ·乐乐经常趴着睡
- ·乐乐自己放音乐
- ·乐乐跑步
- ·乐乐逛商场
- ·乐事
- ·乖巧
- ·今天乐乐1周岁
- ·儿童节
- ·全家福照片
- ·六一儿童节快乐
- ·再一次。
- ·出生
- ·勇敢
- ·北京之旅
- ·医生
- ·十八个月
- ·厕所
- ·双语教育显成效
- ·发烧
- ·吃饭
- ·哄姐姐
- ·喜欢
- ·喝水
- ·回避
- ·因为有了你
- ·固执
- ·圣诞节
- ·多事
- ·多事的人
- ·如何把投票器放入主页
- ·妈妈
- ·妈妈是我的!
- ·姐姐
- ·姐姐怎么还不回家?
- ·孩子
- ·安全
- ·小宝宝也吃醋!
- ·小气鬼
- ·小男人
- ·尿在门后
- ·尿尿
- ·希望
- ·帮忙
- ·开始
- ·开心
- ·开花结果喽!!!!
- ·很强的学习能力,妈妈要注意了
- ·思念爸爸
- ·恭喜大家新年快乐
- ·感冒
- ·感动
- ·感情丰富
- ·感谢各位朋友
- ·成长
- ·我回来了
- ·拼命三郎
- ·故事
- ·新年快乐
- ·日历照片
- ·春节
- ·朋友来访
- ·江水
- ·洗澡
- ·洗衣机上的影子
- ·浇水
- ·海边
- ·淘气
- ·淘气乐乐
- ·游戏
- ·游玩
- ·演员
- ·热情乐乐
- ·照片
- ·煮饭
- ·爱上了生病
- ·牙齿
- ·生活
- ·生病
- ·生病了
- ·画画
- ·相册
- ·看书
- ·真心的爱
- ·睡觉
- ·童趣
- ·管家
- ·糖
- ·细节
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- ·聪明
- ·聪明趣事
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- ·脚尖走路
- ·脾气
- ·自创游戏
- ·自制力
- ·自私
- ·行为
- ·规律
- ·语言
- ·语言不同,风景大不同
- ·语言发育
- ·语言能力
- ·调皮
- ·谢谢大家给乐乐投票
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- ·转移
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- ·阶段总结
- ·香被被