
08/07/01 11:02:31 标签:

What Does It Mean To Be Ready for School?入学准备意味着什么? To be ready for school requires a balanced development of the child in the first five years of life, with the years from birth to 3 years being the most important.All parents want their child to succeed at school, they generally hope that their child will have the same or better opportunities in life then they the parents had. But when one first becomes a parent one finds out quickly that no training was available on how to be a parent, therefore it is important to understand about the importance of balanced child development which leads to school readiness.入学准备,是要求孩子在生命的最初五年达到各方面的均衡发展,从时间上来说,出生到三岁阶段则被认为是最重要的时期。所有家长都希望子女在学校成才,他们普遍希望自己的子女获得比他们曾经有过的机会要好。但是,当我们第一次成为家长了才猛然发觉,没有现成的培训来指导怎样做好一名父母。因此,这里重要的就是要大家了解到孩子达到全面均衡发展,所对于入学准备的重要性。 It is not one quality or skill that children need to do well in school, but a combination of skills and competencies that contribute to success. These include of course good health and physical well-being, social and emotional maturity, language skills, an ability to solve problems and to learn to think creatively, and general knowledge about the world. That is why we teach our children in games and in play about the world, about colors and numbers and sounds and actions. 这并非是让孩子在学校良好掌握某项素质或技能,而是一种技能与能力的整合,这才有助于孩子成功。这些当然包含了健康的身心,社会性与情感发展的成熟度,言语技能,解决问题与创造性思维能力,以及对世界的普遍认知。那就是为什么我们要通过游戏与玩耍来教导孩子认识世界、颜色、数字、声音与动作。When the parent goes about helping their child develop in each of these areas, it is useful to remember: 当家长帮助孩子发展这些领域时,需要记住几点:1        Children develop at different rates (meaning not all children of the same age can absolutely do the same things), and 2        Most children are stronger in some areas than in others (this is based often on what experiences a child has and sometimes on what interests the parents have). 孩子的发展是速度是不同。(即并非所有同龄儿童完全可以做同样的东西)大部分孩子在某些领域发展较其他领域更显著。(这往往基于孩子已有经验以及父母本身关注的兴趣点上)Of course schools have their own expectations on what is meant by school readiness. One school may think it's very important for children to sit quietly and already be able to know numbers and recognize some words. Another school may believe it is more important for children to get along well with others (good social skills). 当然学校也有他们各自对孩子的入学准备的期望。有些学校可能认为对于孩子来说重要的是能安静地坐以及识字与数学的能力。而有些学校可能相信对于孩子来说更重要的是与人友好相处的能力(社会交往技能)。Most educators agree that the following areas are important for success. 大部分教育界人士认为以下几个方面对于成功是重要的。Good Health and Physical Well-Being健康的身心Young children need nutritious food, enough sleep, safe places to play, and regular medical care. These things help children get a good start in life and lessen the chances that they will later have serious health problems or trouble learning. 幼儿需要营养的食物,充足的睡眠,安全的玩耍环境,定期的医疗照顾。这些事情,帮助孩子获得良好的人生开端,而淡化以后将有严重健康问题或学习障碍的机率。Balanced Development均衡的发展It is generally agreed that children require nutritionally balanced meals. These should include breads, cereals, and other grain products; fruits; vegetables; meat, poultry, fish and alternatives (such as eggs and dried beans and peas); and milk, cheese, and yogurt. Avoid too many fats and sweets这是普遍公认的儿童需要营养均衡的膳食。这些措施应该包括面包、谷物和其他粮食制品;水果、蔬菜;肉类、家禽、鱼和替代品(如鸡蛋和干蚕豆和豌豆);以及牛奶、奶酪与酸奶。避免过多的脂肪和甜食。Young children require many opportunities to exercise and develop physical coordination. To learn to control large muscles, children need to throw balls, run, jump, climb, and dance to music. To learn to control small muscles, particularly in the hands and fingers, they need to color with crayons, put together puzzles, use blunt-tipped scissors, and zip jackets. When children go to pre-school, they will build upon the skills first learned at home. 幼儿需要许多机会锻炼,使身体协调。学习如何控制大肌肉,孩子需要扔球、跑步、跳跃、攀爬、舞蹈和音乐。学习如何控制小肌肉,特别是手和手指,他们需要用彩色蜡笔,拼图,安全剪刀和拉拉链来练习。当孩子上学前班,他们将先在家建构这些技能。Parents of children with disabilities should use ‘early intervention programs’ which can help these children develop to their full potential. 存在学习障碍的儿童的家长应该利用“早期干预计划”,帮助这些孩子尽量发挥自己的全部潜力。Social and Emotional Preparation社会性和情感的准备Young children are often very excited about first going to school, but when they do, they can face an environment that's different from what they are used to at home or even in preschool. In school or also in preschools they will need to work well in large groups and get along with new adults and other children. They will have to share the teacher's attention with other children. The classroom routines may also be different from what they did at home. So to have social and emotional maturity children require to be exposed to the following: 幼儿第一次上学往往很兴奋,可当他们去接触时才发现他们所面对的是一个不同于在家甚至是在幼托机构的环境。在学校还是在幼托机构,他们需要在集体中表现得好,并且与新接触到的成人和其他孩子融洽相处。他们将共同与其他幼儿分享老师的关注。班级一日活动安排也与他们在家中所做的事不同。拥有成熟社会性和情感意识的幼儿,皆有以下共识:Confidence. Children must learn to feel good about themselves and believe they can succeed. Confident children are more willing to attempt new tasks--and try again if they don't succeed the first time. The more opportunity children have had to learn many skills through play the more they will have this confidence.信心幼儿必须学会自我感觉良好本身并相信他们能够成功。自信的幼儿更愿意尝试新的任务——如果第一次失败了,愿意再次尝试。幼儿能在玩中学技能的机会越多,他们越是会获得自信。Independence. Children need to learn to do things for themselves. The more opportunity children have had to learn many skills through play the more they will have this confidence独立幼儿必须学会自己的事情自己做。幼儿能在玩中学技能的机会越多,他们越是会获得自信。 Motivation. Children must want to learn. If children have been encouraged by their parents to learn new skills the more they will have this motivation to learn动机孩子必须自己有学习愿望。如果幼儿学习新本领是一直在被他们父母鼓励的情形下进行的,他们就越有这种动机去学习。Curiosity. Children are naturally curious and must remain so in order to get the most out of learning opportunities. The more opportunity children have had to learn many skills through play the more they will have this confidence好奇心儿童天生具有好奇心,而且必须继续保持这种天性,以获得最佳的学习机会。幼儿能在玩中学技能的机会越多,他们越是会获得自信。Persistence. Children must learn to finish what they start. This is important for parents to know to play with their child and show them to finish tasks.毅力幼儿必须学习做事有始有终。这一点要让家长知道是重要的,陪幼儿一起玩,并让他们完成任务。Cooperation. Children must be able to get along with others and learn to share and take turns. 合作幼儿必须能与他人相处,学会分享和轮流。Self-control. Preschoolers must understand that some behaviors, such as hitting and biting, are inappropriate. They need to learn that there are good and bad ways to express anger. 自控学龄前儿童必须明白某些行为如打人、咬人,是不适当的。他们需要学习表达愤怒,那是有好的和坏的方法的。Empathy. Children must learn to have an interest in others and understand how others feel. 移情幼儿必须学会对其他事物的兴趣和了解别人的感受。 Parents need to help children develop these skills. Here are some ways you can help your child acquire these positive qualities: 家长要帮助孩子培养这些技能。这里有一些方法可以帮助你的孩子掌握这些积极的特质:Children must believe that, no matter what, someone will look out for them. Show that you care about your children. They thrive when they have parents or other caregivers who are loving and dependable. Small children need attention, encouragement, and hugs. Children who feel loved are more likely to be confident. 幼儿必须相信这一点,无论怎样,有人会关注他们。表现出你关心你的孩子。父母或者照看者的关爱与可信赖,会使得他们能茁壮成长。小小孩需要关注、鼓励与拥抱。能感受到更多爱的幼儿更可能会自信。Set a good example. Children imitate what they see others do and what they hear others say. When parents exercise and eat nourishing food, children are more likely to do so. When parents treat others with respect, their children probably will, too. If parents share things, their children will learn to be thoughtful of others' feelings. 树立一个好榜样。孩子会模仿他们看到别人所做的与所听到的。当父母运动,吃有营养的食物,幼儿更可能做到这一点。当父母待人尊重,他们的子女可能也会如此。如果父母分享事物,他们的子女亦将学习到如何体贴他人的感受。 Have a positive attitude toward learning and toward school. Children come into this world with a powerful need to discover and to explore. Parents need to encourage this curiosity if children are to keep it. Enthusiasm for what children do ("You've drawn a great picture!") helps to make them proud of their achievements. Parents need to be enthusiastic as they describe new skills to learn--how to read the first word, how to count and measure and weigh things, for example. 有积极的学习态度及上学态度。孩子怀着强有力的发掘与探索的愿望来到这个世界。家长要鼓励孩子的这种好奇心的保持。对孩子所做的事情保有热情(“你画了张很棒的图画!”),这有助于他们为自己的成就感到自豪。家长要保有热心,例如描述所要学习的新技能——如何阅读的头一个字,如何计算和测量,以及称重。Provide many opportunities for repetition. It takes practice to crawl, pronounce new words, or drink from a cup. Children don't get bored when they repeat things. Instead, repeating things until they are learned helps youngsters build the confidence needed to try something new. (It is more likely that the parents get bored with the repetition – that is why it is important to stay enthusiastic).提供许多重复练习的机会。它可以是练习攀爬、发一个新的音节或是用杯子喝水。当孩子重复同一动作时,他们是不会觉得无聊的。相反,重复同一动作直到他们学会,这样可帮助青少年建立信心,需要尝试一些新的东西。(它更有可能情况是家长会厌烦重复——这就是为什么保持热情是重要的)Let children do as many things as possible by themselves. Young children need to be closely watched. But they need to learn to be independent and to develop confidence by doing tasks such as dressing themselves and putting their toys away. It's also important to let them make choices, rather than deciding everything for them. Remember to give them a choice only when there really is one. 尽量多地让幼儿做自己力所能及之事。婴幼儿需要加以密切看护。但是他们必须学习独立自主和从每次完成的任务中发展自信,例如自己穿衣服、收玩具。让幼儿自己去做出选择也很重要,而不是父母替他们决定一切。记住如果有选择的话,就要给孩子选择的机会。Encourage your child to play with other children and be with adults who are not family members. Preschoolers need these social opportunities to learn to see the point of view of others. Young children are more likely to get along with teachers and classmates if they already have had experiences with different adults and children. 鼓励你的孩子与其他儿童和非家庭以外成人的交往玩耍。学龄前儿童需要这些与社会接触的机会去学习观点采择能力。幼童更容易与老师和同学相处,如果他们已经有了与不同成人和儿童的相处的经验的话。 Language and General KnowledgeYoung children are exposed to many activities that require them to use language and to solve problems. Children who can't or don't communicate easily may have problems in school. There are many things you can do to help children learn to communicate, solve problems, and develop an understanding of the world. You can 语言与常识。幼儿日常生活中接触到许多活动,都要求他们使用语言并解决问题。孩子不能或不容易沟通可能就会在学校生活中遇到问题。有很多事情你都可以做,来帮助孩子学习如何沟通,解决问题,并发展对客观世界的认知。Give your child opportunities to play. Play is how children learn. It is the natural way for them to explore, to become creative, and to develop academic and social skills. Play helps them learn to solve problems--for example, a wagon tips over, and children must figure out how to get it upright again. Children learn about geometry, shapes, and balance when they stack up blocks. Playing with others helps children learn how to negotiate. 给你孩子玩的机会。游戏能看出是儿童是如何学习的。它是天然的方法让他们去探索,成为富有创造性的,发展学术和社交技巧。游戏有利于发挥他们学习解决问题——比如让他们把一个玩具小马车翻倒,然后让孩子找到把它翻转回来的方法。当幼儿玩堆积木的时候,同时也学习了几何、形状和平衡。与别人同伴玩,帮助幼儿学习如何协商。Talk to your children, beginning at birth. Babies need to hear your voice. A television or the radio can't take the place of your voice because it doesn't respond to coos and babbles. The more you talk to your baby, the more he will have to talk about as he gets older. Talking with children broadens their understanding of language and of the world. 从出生起就开始与你的孩子交谈。婴儿需要听到你的声音。电视或电台不能代替你的声音,因为它不会回应婴儿的牙牙学语。你越跟你的孩子交谈,他越是会说,成长更快。与孩子交谈可以拓宽他们对语言与对整个世界的理解。Everyday activities, such as eating dinner or taking a bath, provide opportunities to talk, sometimes in detail, about what's happening and respond to your child. "First let's stick the plug in the drain. Now we'll turn on the water. I see you want to put your rubber duck in the bathtub. That's a good idea. Look, it's yellow日常活动(如吃饭或洗澡)要提供与孩子交谈的机会,有时细致一些,关于发生的事情以及对你的孩子做出的回应。“首先,让我们塞住塞子。现在,我们放水。我看见你想把你的橡皮鸭在浴缸游泳,这是一个好主意。看!它的黄色的。”Listen to your children. Children have their own special thoughts and feelings, joys and sorrows, hopes and fears. As their language skills develop, encourage them to talk. Listening is the best way to learn what's on their minds and to discover what they know and don't know, and how they think and learn. It also shows children that their feelings and ideas are valuable. 倾听你的孩子。孩子有自己特殊的想法和感受,悲伤与欢乐,希望和恐惧。随着他们的语言技能的逐步发展,鼓励他们说话。听是最好的学习方法,去认识到他们内心所想,发觉他们知道的与不知道的,以及怎样思考与学习。它还说明了孩子的感受和想法,都是弥足珍贵的。Answer questions and ask questions, particularly ones that require more than a "yes" or "no" response. While walking in a park, for example, most 2- and 3-year-olds will stop to pick up leaves. You might point out how the leaves are the same, and how they are different. With older children you might ask, "What else grows on trees?" 回答问题与提出问题,尤其是那些需要多于一个是或否的反应。在一个公园散步,举例来说,大多数2岁至3岁幼儿将停住脚步转向玩捡树叶。你可能会指出树叶是如何一样的,以及他们如何不同。对与较年长的儿童,你可能会问,“树上还长了些什么?” Questions can help children learn to compare and classify things. Answer your children's questions thoughtfully and, whenever possible, encourage them to answer their own questions. If you don't know the answer to a question, say so. Then together with your child try to find the answer. 问题可以帮助幼儿学习比较和分类事物。仔细地回答孩子的问题,只要有可能,鼓励他们回答自己的问题。如果你不知道答案的如何回答,如实说。然后与孩子一起尝试找出答案。Read aloud to your children every day. Reading can begin with babies and continue throughout the preschool years. Even though they don't understand the story or the poem, reading together gives children a chance to learn about language, enjoy the sound of your voice, and be close to you. 每天大声地为你的孩子朗读。阅读可以从婴儿期开始,并继续贯穿于整个学龄期。即使他们不明白的故事或诗歌,亲子阅读可以让孩子有机会学习语言,享受听你的声音并接近你。Make books available. Children develop an interest in language and in reading much sooner if they have books and other reading materials around their homes. (Reading is much better than television viewing. Next to parents, television may be our children's most influential teacher. Good television can introduce children to new worlds and promote learning, but poor or too much TV can be harmful, research shows this to be true particularly for children who are under two years of age).提供书籍。如果幼儿的身边有书籍与其他一些阅读材料在的话,他们将更快地对语言与阅读产生兴趣。(阅读比收看电视节目来得好。家长之外,电视可能是最能影响到我们的孩子的老师了。好的电视可以把幼儿引入新天地,并促进学习,但不良的或者说太多的电视节目对幼儿是有害的,研究表明这是正确的,尤其是对二岁以下的幼儿来说。)Be realistic about your children's abilities and interests. Children usually do best when parents estimate their abilities correctly. Parents must set high standards and encourage their preschoolers to try new things. Children who aren't challenged become bored. But children who are pushed along too quickly, or are asked to do things that they cannot yet do for example they may not be physically mature enough yet, can become frustrated and unhappy. That is why it is good to have access to good developmental information. Particularly information which focuses on the balanced development between the seven developmental areas (Reasoning, Expressive Communication, Fine-motor, Gross-motor, Self Help, Receptive Communication, Social Skills). For example a young child may be able to identify a “ball” and say the “sound which means ball”, but will not have the physical maturity to “kick the ball in a straight line for 10 metres”. All the many skills a young child learns are inter-related and dependent on each other. Balanced development – provides the BEST platform for school readiness.对您的孩子的能力和兴趣态度客观。一般家长能正确估计他们孩子情况下,孩子通常会做到最好。家长要建立高标准,鼓励学前儿童去尝试新的东西。孩子没有挑战自然会变显得无聊。可是如果对幼儿要求过高,或者让他们做他们还不能够做的事情,例如他们还未达到生理成熟,他们就会沮丧与不满。这就是为什么它对获得良好的发展信息是有益的。尤其是关注于七种发展领域(认知/逻辑领域、语言领域、粗大动作领域、精细动作领域、自我帮助领域、理解领域以及社会交往领域)平衡发展的信息。例如一幼儿可能识别一个“球”,然后说的是“意思是球的单词”,但不会有生理成熟能“踢了一段直线10米距离”。所有幼儿学习的许多技能都是互相关联,互相依存的。均衡的发展——为入学准备提供了最佳的平台。Provide opportunities to do and see things. The more varied the experiences that children have, the more they learn about the world. No matter where you live, your community can provide new experiences. Go for walks in your neighborhood, or go places on the bus. Visit museums, libraries, zoos, and other community resources.  提供做与看的机会。幼儿越是有多种经验,他们越是能认识世界。不管你住在哪里,你的社区会提供给你新的经验。在您所居住的街区散步,或做公交车去某地。参观博物馆、图书馆、动物园和其他社会资源。 If you live in the city, spend a day in the country (or if you live in the country, spend a day in the city). Let your children hear and make music, dance, and paint. Let them participate in activities that help to develop their imaginations and let them express their ideas and feeling. The parent is the child’s first and most important teacher.Lastly - Remember to praise your child for a job well done.  如果你住在一城市,并在这一国家呆一天(或如果你居住在该国,花上一整天在这一城市)。让你的孩子倾听,演奏,舞蹈,绘画。让他们参与社会活动,以此来帮助他们发展自己的想象力,让他们表达自己的思想和感觉。父母是孩子的第一个也是最重要的老师。最后一点,记得要赞美你的孩子工作做得好。  Bibliography:Bredekamp, S. (Ed.). (1987). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children form birth through age 8. (ex. ed.). Washington, DC: NAEYC. Gesell, Arnold, et al. 1940. The First Five Years of Life (1993) A Guide to the Study of the Preschool child. Buccaneer Books, Inc. Goddard Blythe, S. (2006) The Well Balanced Child. Movement and Learning. Hawthorn Press, Early Years Series. Katz, L.G., & Chard, S. (1989). Engaging children's minds: The project approach. Norwood: New Jersey: Ablex.  Silva, P.A., & Stanton, W.A. (eds) From Child to Adult. The Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study. Oxford University Press. Oxford. 1996. Spock, B. Baby and Child Care. Revised Edition. Pocket Books. New York. 1971. Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.  Vygotsky, L.S. (1981). The genesis of higher mental functions. In J.V. Wertsch (Ed.). The concept of activity in Soviet psychology. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.



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