
08/07/20 22:40:51 标签:转贴


Pig and dog

Fat fat little pig,

Thin thin little dog.

Big big pig,

Small small dog.

Lazy lazy pig,

Active active dog.

Dirty dirty pig.

Tidy tidy dog.

Fat big lazy dirty,

This is the pig.

Thin small active tidy,

This is the dog.

Do you like the pig or dog?

Moon in the sky

Moon moon in the sky,

Round moon,

Moon round,

Round moon is a plate,

Moon moon is a plate.

Moon moon in the sky,

Bent moon,

Moon bent,

Bent moon is a boat,

Moon moon is a boat.

Please tell me,

Is moon round or bent?


《What’s this, Johnny?》


What’s this, Johnny?
Apple , apple , apple.
Round red apple.
What’s this, Johnny?
Banana , banana , banana.
Bent yellow banana.
What’s this, Johnny?
Orange , orange , orange.
Sour big orange.
What’s this, Johnny?
Peach , peach , peach .

Sweet pink peach.

What’s this, Johnny?
Strawberry , strawberry , strawberry.
Small , red , strawberry.

《Brush teeth everyday》

Brush teeth everyday,
Brush teeth in the morning,
Brush teeth at night,
Brush teeth twice a day.
Brush teeth everyday,
Tooth brush , tooth paste.
Brush teeth everyday,
Brush teeth carefully,
Brush teeth rightly.

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