矛盾的事14/05/12 22:42

今天儿子学街舞。因为他喜欢,这个班人也少,老师年龄适合孩子。即使一周两天我也愿意坚持。 没想到,街舞班的活动让我矛盾起来。有些不知所措了。 事情是这样的。六一儿童节要到了,儿子的学习班要在一个大型的商场里搞庆六一活动,每个学生再交

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Mother's Day14/05/12 08:07

Another Mother's Day is coming. This day we went to see my mother-in-law in another city. Our family went to visit her o

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母亲能带给孩子什么14/05/11 22:24

转眼儿子六周岁多,今年九月就是一名小学生了。顿觉好忐忑,比孩子出生前更忐忑。 除了保证孩子健康成长,满足孩子基本的生活需要外,一个严肃的话题始终沉重的压着我。培养孩子好的品行和习惯,我想是我作为母亲和家庭最应该给孩子的。想

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a busy morning14/05/09 08:35

This morning my son got up about 7 o'clock. It's my turn to send him to the kindergarten. As I cleaned the room, my son

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get down to talk to my son14/05/08 08:50

How time flies! My son is over six years old. This September he will go to the primary school. Look back several years a

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