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DearSorry to say that i can't back to shanghai today for an urgent case occur, i have to solve them on site.
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中国对日本干得最爽的七件事一、沈阳青年下战书:单枪匹马邀日本领事决斗 一九八八年三月末,日本右翼分子屡屡枪击我住日使领馆,并狂妄叫嚣要再来一次南京大屠杀。[ 日本政府睁一只眼闭一只眼,这事被《参考消息》报道给国内,见报的当天,沈阳市的一个二
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Good morning,my dear,i worked deep into night until 2:00AM , prepared the report and sent a lot of E-mail to US. I get u
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Today, i am still working in HangZhou city until now .but i have some time to log on your website to update the informat
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Dear My daughter:I am so sorry to say that i have no enough time to accompany with you all day &am play with you and tea
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