New teacher12/10/02 21:15

My mum told me I will have a new swimming coach from this month since the time in the morning very hot,me and my sister'

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My new school12/08/27 20:18

Today I went to my new primary school ,Its name is Chongfu school. The school is very beautiful. I saw many new friends.

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Swimming class12/08/18 18:37

From this August ,every Saturday I'm join the swimming class with my friend Mattiu and my sister.I like it very much ,be

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about my plants12/08/04 21:00

The first week ,I water the plants everyday,but the second week the plant was still wilted.I think take care the plant i

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my flower germinated12/07/13 21:56

I'm so excited today because the seeds sprouted. mine ones are more than my sister's.They are still very tiny ,but i lov

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