亲子英语(10)09/01/21 15:52

文字: ●Daily Routines 生活常规 ●wake up ●wash your face&am brush your teeth ●get dressed ●eat breakfast ●take the bus to sch

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亲子英语(9)09/01/15 14:07

●Here comes the school bus. 校车来了●Minki,hurry up!民基,快点啦!We have to go now.我们现在就得走!Your school bus will be here soon.校车马上要

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亲子英语(8)08/12/29 14:07

文字写在这里:●Are you ready to go out. 做好出发的准备了吗●You'll be late for kindergarten.你要迟到了。Do you pack your bag?书包整理好了吗?Do you hav

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亲子英语(7)08/12/23 14:14

正文从这里开始:●It's raining. Put on your raincoat. 下雨了,要穿雨衣呀●It's raining.下雨了。You can't go outside until you get all your rain

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亲子英语(6)08/12/18 15:51

文字写在这里. Breakfast is ready. Let's have breakfast. 早餐准备好了,吃饭吧 Time for breakfast!到吃早餐的时间了!Do you want toast or rice with

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