08/06/30 20:40

He squandered a lot of time on computer games.他在电脑游戏上挥霍了许多时间。squander表示挥霍或浪费时间`金钱`资源等。例:She squandered all her money on

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08/06/27 20:47

There is no time like the present.机不可失,时不再来。there is no time like后面加一个时间,表示没有比...更好的时候了,后面可加to do something,表示没有比...更好的时

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08/06/17 19:22

This product is void of defects.这产品没有缺陷。void表示空的,be void of表示缺少,没有。上句其实等于:This product has no defects atall.defect表示缺点,缺

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08/06/15 20:03

Let me put it another way.让我换个方式来说。当中的put意思是表达,表述。例:I don't know how to put it.我不知道如何表达。Can you put it in simpler Englis

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08/06/12 15:01

因这两天电脑坏了,所以我的每日一句没有及时发贴,很抱歉!今天这句是:All our hard work was in vain. 我们的努力都是白费. 正文从这里开始:

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