08/06/02 09:58

Rain splashed against the window panes.雨点打在玻璃上,噼啪作响。Something is leaning or pressing against something else前者靠着或者贴着后者。例:

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08/06/02 09:58

Rain splashed against the window panes.雨点打在玻璃上,噼啪作响。Something is leaning or pressing against something else前者靠着或者贴着后者。例:

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08/05/30 08:33

The place abounds in rumours.此地谣言盛行。Abound with things or in things 盛产某物,富于。例:The larger artificial lakes abound with bi

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08/05/29 10:10

They decorated the house regardless of cost. 他们不惜工本装修这栋房子。Regardless of 指某事物的发生不受别的事物的影响。用在附加状语里。例:They are taught to re

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08/05/28 09:32

I could hardly keep from laughing.我简直忍不住大笑起来。Keep from不把...告诉某人,防止某人听到;克制自己不去做某事。例:We thought it best to keep the bad ne

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