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full marks2015-03-11 10:12

Sometimes I always think that marks are very important in nature, but it doesn't represent everything. Maybe we parents pay more attention to the children's marks than other things. Every child may think if they have higher marks, their parents and teachers are both happy. That's why we do these to the children.

Yesterday my son went home from school, he was very happy and told us that he got full marks at the Chinese quiz. Of course we were very happy. I found that my son did anything else with great happinese. He said innocently that our teacher praised me and encouraged me to study hard. He believed that parents must be happy. If we often care more about marks, my son also pays more attention to marks. From now on, we should improve attitude and care about other abilities.

Let's put our hearts into developing my son's abilities.


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留言板 留言(215条)

  • xcwxc对乐乐说:2015-04-04 07:07:21
  • 知心话语,空间传递。 快乐心情,无与伦比。 笔墨之情,点点滴滴。 隔屏相望,心在一起。 祝好友幸福美满安康,快乐好运吉祥!周末愉快!
  • xcwxc对乐乐说:2015-04-04 07:07:12
  • 知心话语,空间传递。 快乐心情,无与伦比。 笔墨之情,点点滴滴。 隔屏相望,心在一起。 祝好友幸福美满安康,快乐好运吉祥!周末愉快!
  • xcwxc对乐乐说:2015-04-01 07:13:47
  • 在这百花盛开的季节,在这风和日丽的时节,愿你的生活吉祥如意,愿你的心情馥郁芬芳!祝你分分秒秒平平安安!
  • xcwxc对乐乐说:2015-04-01 07:13:40
  • 在这百花盛开的季节,在这风和日丽的时节,愿你的生活吉祥如意,愿你的心情馥郁芬芳!祝你分分秒秒平平安安!
  • tzxncd对乐乐说:2015-03-29 07:40:44
  • 春风载着我的问候,柔柔地向你吹去;云彩载着我的祝福,轻轻地向你飘来。让我们用美好的心情去歌颂友谊,用快乐的心情去拥抱生活!网络星空,真心祝福:愿您永远健康、幸福、快乐!周末愉快!
  • tzxncd对乐乐说:2015-03-29 07:40:37
  • 春风载着我的问候,柔柔地向你吹去;云彩载着我的祝福,轻轻地向你飘来。让我们用美好的心情去歌颂友谊,用快乐的心情去拥抱生活!网络星空,真心祝福:愿您永远健康、幸福、快乐!周末愉快!
  • tzxncd对乐乐说:2015-03-20 07:17:11
  • 阳春三月,春光明媚,春天的气息浓浓地包围着我们;草长莺飞,百花吐蕊,春天的灿烂已经深深地影响着我们,祝朋友们幸福,平安!春天快乐!
  • tzxncd对乐乐说:2015-03-20 07:17:04
  • 阳春三月,春光明媚,春天的气息浓浓地包围着我们;草长莺飞,百花吐蕊,春天的灿烂已经深深地影响着我们,祝朋友们幸福,平安!春天快乐!

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