Don't forget to brush your hair.
●Look at yourself in the mirror.去照照镜子吧。
Don't forget to brush your hair.不要忘了梳头呀。
●I don't know where the pin is!我找不到发夹了。
●Fix yourself.Let me comb your hair.打扮得漂亮点,妈妈给宝贝扎头发吧。
How do you want your hair?扎什么样的辫子?
●In a ponytail.给我扎一个马尾吧。
●Comb your hair before you go out.出门之前梳梳头发吧。
●You need to do your hair.你得做个发型。
●Let me part your hair in the middle.给你的头发从中间分缝吧。
●Let me part your hair on the right side.从右边分缝吧。
●Let me braid your hair.给你编小辫吧。
●How about pigtails?扎两个小辫怎么样?
●Let's mousse your hair.我们来打点摩丝吧。
●It looks great./You're gorgeous!真好看。/你好漂亮呀