Kevin's Story

09/05/24 04:43:23 标签:Mam's Diary

Kevin, my son, lives in China with his grandparents. He is less than 3 years old.

One day, he saw grandpa lying under the car at the door. Inquisitive. "What are you doing, grandpa?"

"Grandpa is repairing the car." Grandpapa answered.

"May i help you?"


Disappointed. Kevin entered his room,found his toy car and moved out of the room. However, the toy car was very small. He couldn't lie beneath exactly. He pushed the toy car over, then laid down on his side, and made the toy car bottom towards him.

Grandpa was amused. "What are you doing, Kevin?"

"Baby Kevin is repairing the car."

"May i help you?"

"No, thanks."

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