If you haven't heard already... On April 6th, 2010 Lisa and I were married in a beautiful forest in South Africa. It was a very very special ceremony. The energy and love that we felt was very intense and amazing. I will never forget that day! Below are some pics.
My lovely wife!
This is Monica. She was the High Priest Sangoma who presided over our ceremony. She brought 14 disciples to help officiate. The sang, danced as well as spoke to the ancestors to bless our marriage. Some disciple went into trances as they spoke to the ancestors and were able to see our future!
This is the small forest we were married in. It was like a natural gothic cathedral. Guest sat on hay bales while we sat on a special Sesotho blanket.
This is Chinook. Whenever we go down to South Africa he protected us and kept us company. Just before the ceremony started he came up to me and put his paw on my knee. It was like he was giving me some reassurance.
Getting started!
Putting on the ring.
The sun came out!
这些女村民唱歌迎接Lisa﹐还有唱歌送我们离开。真是非常美好﹐因为我们认识他们已经很多年了。其实﹐他们来到时我哭了。中间那一位小妹妹是Poulee﹐我们收养的女儿。她令我哭得更厉害。如果你有看过"四大天王"("The Heavenly Kings")﹐最后一幕我抱着的小孩就是她。
These are the women from the village who came to sing Lisa in and sing the both of us out. It was so beautiful because we have known all of these people for years. I actually cried when they showed up. The little girl in the middle is Poulee our adopted daughter. She made me cry even more. If you saw The Heavenly Kings she was the baby I was holding in the end.
This was after the ceremony as we walked out surrounded by the villagers singing so beautifully.
It rained all night the night before as well as the morning of. We were so worried that we would get rained out but as soon as the ceremony started the rain stopped and the sun slowly began to creep out as the ceremony went on.
As you can see in this picture it turned out to be a bright sunny day.
后来﹐我们到了那个乡村﹐他们准备了一度非常好食羊肉菜。我们跟Poulee和她妈妈一起吃饭﹐然后回去了我们的婚礼派对跟家人庆祝。那天是一个很特别的一天 ﹐
The dress!
We later made our way into the village where they prepared a lamb dish that was so amazing. We ate with Poulee and her Mother then headed back to the party with our family. It really was a special day and now I'm a married man!
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