Danny Boy

10/08/03 21:44:52 标签:

                        Danny Boy

Oh Danny Boy
The pipes, the pipes are calling.
From glen to glen and down the mountain side.
The summer is gone and all the flowers are dying.
Tis you, 'tis you must go, and I must bide.

But come ye back when summer`s in the meadow.
Or when the valley`s hushed and white with snow.
Tis I`ll be here in sunshine or in shadow.
Oh Danny Boy,oh Danny Boy, I love you so.

And if you come when all the flowers are dying.
If I am dead,as dead as I will may be.
And you will find the place where I am lying.
You kneel and say an ave there for me.

And I shall hear, though soft you trade above me.
And all my grave shall warmer and sweeter be.
And you`ll kneel and whisped that you love me.
And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me.
And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me.

昨天Robert弹唱了这首《Danny Boy》,(前两天在他每天带我们做的一次nature observation时,我们边走边聊中,我跟他讲起了嘟的事,他说他以前也有过类似的经历),然后就有了这首歌,刚拿到歌词边看边跟着哼唱时,我就很有流泪的冲动。。。。

不管是巧合还是Robert有意的安排,我都很感激他,感激他让我在这个时候听到这首歌;仿佛是在告诉我,当我kneel and whisped that I love you时;当我kneel and say an ave for you时;当我思念时;当我微笑时,你们感受到的爱和温暖。。。。

回到家马上上网找到了这个爱尔兰小歌手Declan Galbraith唱的版本,这首已经传唱了百年的古老爱尔兰民谣和着小家伙天籁般的嗓音,是如此地打动着你,震撼你的心灵,让你泪流满面。。。。



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  • 育儿网网友对嘟嘟说:2010-08-18 17:01:33
  • 爱可以穿越生死……
  • 育儿网网友对嘟嘟说:2010-08-10 11:52:54
  • 素昧平生,但一直默默关注你,谢谢你,给我们带来的力量。。。谢谢!
  • chris-zhang回复 说:同样也要谢谢你,给我带来的力量。。。。

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