
07/04/10 17:11:00 标签:宝贝在成长

My dear angel
171 days and nights have passed, now, you’re 5 months and 21 days old.  When I thought of this, my mind flashed back to the moment that I first saw you. no word in the world could express my feeling at that moment.
I had dreamed of you for many times before you came: Were you a girl or a boy? What would you look like? Now, with your first cry, you told me: here I came, Mum! You were my angel! I loved you not because you were beautiful or lovely, but because you were my little baby! You are my greatest challenge I have ever met in my life. Mum and Dad had never been so tired before in our lives. Everything was in a mess at the beginning. But minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day you’re growing up to a beautiful little girl.Mum and Dad couldn’t help thanking for God for sending us such a lovely angel. I sincerely hope God will bless you forever.

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