
13/02/15 12:06:22 标签:


                                                      发热 - 误解 vs. 真相

      大家对于发热的误解非常普遍。在宝宝出现发热情况时,许多父母极度担忧甚至失眠。这种情况被称为发热恐惧症。一般来说,发热本身不会导致身体受损。 以下是一些关于发热的真相信息:


真相:发热可启动身体的免疫系统,帮助身体对抗感染。发热是身体的保护性机制之一。一般的发热,即37.8° - 40° C,实际对患病的孩子是有益的。

误解:40° C以上的发热很危险,可导致神经受损。

真相:感染导致的发热不会导致大脑或神经受损。只有在体温超过42° C时才会导致大脑受损。但这么极端的高体温通常是由极端的环境温度导致的,比如孩子大热天被困在封闭的汽车内。






真相:发热只有在导致身体不适时才需要进行处理。一般的发热不会导致任何不适,除非体温达39° 或 39.5° C以上。


真相:错误。由于大脑本身具有体温调节机制,由感染导致的发热一般不会超过39.5°- 40° C。极少会出现40.5° 或 41.0° C以上体温的情况,尽管后者被称为高热,但仍对身体无害。


真相:治疗后,体温一般会下降1° 或1.5° C。












Fever - Myths Versus Facts

Misconceptions about fever are commonplace. Many parents needlessly worry and lose sleep when their child has a fever. This is called fever phobia. Overall, fevers are harmless. Let the following facts help you put fever into perspective: 

MYTH: My child feels warm, so she has a fever.

FACT: Children can feel warm for a many reasons such as playing hard, crying, getting out of a warm bed or being outside on a hot day. They are “giving off heat”. Their skin temperature should return to normal in 10 to 20 minutes. Once these causes are excluded, about 80% of children who feel warm and act sick actually have a fever. If you want to be sure, take their temperature.  The following are the cutoffs for fever using different types of thermometers:

Rectal, ear or temporal artery thermometers: 100.4° F (38.0° C) or higher
Oral or pacifier thermometers: 100° F (37.8° C) or higher
Under the arm (Axillary or Armpit) temperatures: 99° F (37.2° C) or higher
MYTH:  All fevers are bad for children.

FACT:  Fevers turn on the body's immune system and help the body fight infection. Fevers are one of the body's protective mechanisms. Normal fevers between 100° and 104° F (37.8° - 40° C) are actually good for sick children.

MYTH:  Fevers above 104° F (40° C) are dangerous and can cause brain damage.

FACT:  Fevers with infections don't cause brain damage.  Only body temperatures above 108° F (42° C) can cause brain damage.  The body temperature climbs this high only with extreme environmental temperatures (for example, if a child is confined to a closed car in hot weather).

MYTH:  Anyone can have a febrile seizure (seizure triggered by fever).

FACT:  Only 4% of children can have a febrile seizure.

MYTH:  Febrile seizures are harmful.

FACT:  Febrile seizures are scary to watch, but they usually stop within 5 minutes.  They cause no permanent harm. Children who have had febrile seizures do not have a greater risk for developmental delays, learning disabilities, or seizures without fever.

MYTH:  All fevers need to be treated with fever medicine.

FACT:  Fevers only need to be treated if they cause discomfort.  Usually fevers don't cause any discomfort until they go above 102° or 103° F (39° or 39.5° C).

MYTH:  Without treatment, fevers will keep going higher.

FACT:  Wrong.  Because the brain has a thermostat, fevers from infection usually don't go above 103° or 104° F (39.5°- 40° C). They rarely go to 105° or 106° F (40.6° or 41.1° C). While the latter are "high" fevers, they are harmless ones.

MYTH:  With treatment, fevers should come down to normal.

FACT:  With treatment, fevers usually come down 2° or 3° F (1° or 1.5° C).

MYTH:  If the fever doesn't come down (if you can't "break the fever"), the cause is serious.

FACT:  Fevers that don't respond to fever medicine can be caused by viruses or bacteria.  It doesn't relate to the seriousness of the infection.

MYTH: Once the fever comes down with medicines, it should stay down.

FACT: The fever will normally last for 2 or 3 days with most viral infections.  Therefore, when the fever medicine wears off, the fever will return and need to be treated again.  The fever will go away and not return once your child’s body overpowers the virus (usually by the fourth day).

MYTH: If the fever is high, the cause is serious.

FACT:  If the fever is high, the cause may or may not be serious. If your child looks very sick, the cause is more likely to be serious.

MYTH:  The exact number of the temperature is very important.

FACT:  How your child looks is what's important, not the exact temperature.

MYTH:  Oral temperatures between 98.7° and 100° F (37.1° to 37.8° C) are low-grade fevers.

FACT:  These temperatures are normal variations. The body's temperature normally changes throughout the day. It peaks in the late afternoon and evening. An actual low-grade fever is 100° F to 102° F (37.8° - 39° C) .

SUMMARY: Remember that fever is fighting off your child's infection. Fever is one of the good guys.


Author and Senior Reviewer: Barton D. Schmitt, M.D.

Content Set: Pediatric HouseCalls Symptom Checker

Pediatric HouseCalls Symptom Checker


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  • ncgmm对可可说:2013-02-18 10:28:13
  • 新妈妈的确容易惊慌失措。我自己有过发烧40.2度的经历,给孩子喂奶期间,真是头晕脑胀,但是因为心中始终有孩子,所以想通过自然方法退烧却始终不成,最后还是因为反复烧而挂了盐水。
  • yongbao对可可说:2013-02-17 20:10:28
  • 谢谢分享,很有用的知识!
  • CLP09对可可说:2013-02-17 13:18:46
  • 此类说法我曾见过,可是看到孩子发烧我总是乱了方寸。我现在自己这样判断的:小的很不乖就给退烧,大的如果嗜睡也给她吃药,其余时候发烧只要肯吃肯睡我都不管。
  • niniyaoyao对可可说:2013-02-16 10:55:00
  • 写的不错借走了,我家孩子最近总是会发烧。
  • ㊣朵朵宝贝对可可说:2013-02-15 20:41:40
  • 很有用的文章,谢谢分享

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