learn to draw

14/12/04 15:24:44 标签:happy and active

As usual my wife and I took my son to draw last night. However, my son is very happy to draw what he likes. He often says that when he draws, he can feel relaxed. He can have more room to create something interesting. Since he learnt to draw, he has finished about 50 pictures. As long as he looks through his works, he is very pleased.

We all know that nowadays the kids have less time to play and do what they like doing. He dislikes being asked to do some other things. We can only spare some time to give him more freedom.Although it's very important to learn knowledge, we also pay more attention to his after-class life.

Sometimes I warn myself to have more patience and care about my son.

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  • 浅浅宝贝对乐乐说:2014-12-04 16:21:48
  • 孩子有兴趣就会学得更好,赞

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