
07/11/16 19:00:00 标签:

今天我正和他在地板上玩,站立的时候,一直脚有点痒,就有另一支脚铙了铙。没想到被他看到了,还拿来学。他用手打住我的手,也独脚站立,一只脚打在另一只脚的脚面上。 我开始还不止他拉我的首要干啥,结果把我高兴的。赫赫。。


 others like: open TV , switch the plug, wearing the clothes and shoes, clap hands, nod the head means yes, shake the head means no.

he knows how to throw the rubbish in the rubbish bin. he know how to say one and two and point one finger out when i ask him. (he cant point out two fingers out as so difficult to take two fingers out another three fingers close)

he can follow the music to sing(not clear) and he will follow the music to clap his hands

he will say "la.." when he wants to pass stool. and never pass urine and stool in bed now

he can recognize some pictures eg. egg, duck, dog, green apple, red apple, shoes......

whatever i do he all want to follow. ha ha so cute and clever baby. the only thing is that must let him follow the correct thing and teach him by the correct way.



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