no need take medicine.10/04/29 23:07

Today i completed my 7 days antibiotics. And my wound almost recovered. Just the outside layer skin not closed. Mummy sa

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the wound getting better10/04/25 02:00

Now my wound is getting much better. Not so deep as before. This means that this method is good. Now my gandma and mummy

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no painful when doing size bath10/04/23 23:57

My wound must wash every day at least and must wash after pass motion each time. I dint pass motion today till afternoon

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I discharged10/04/22 23:08

In the morning I can drinked the midicine myself and even very fast to finish drinking. The only thing make my grandpa w

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多住院一天10/04/21 01:03

今天上午,医生看完后说我可以出院了。 我挺高兴的,因为这里实在太闷了,早就想出院了。 昨天抗生素是输进去的,回家要换成口服了。早上护士就给了我口服抗生素,可是我看到药就吐,早上他们几个灌我,我还是吐了。中午我大便了,正好也该洗伤口,他们把我

标签: 洗伤口 姥姥心痛的哭了 阅读: (0)  |  回复: (0)
