
08/06/15 20:07:23 标签:

爸爸我想对您说… To my dearest father…
     一艘客轮行驶在开往大西洋北岸的航线上,还有三天就到达目的地。房间里面,一个父亲在给儿子削苹果,突然,船剧烈的晃动一下,父亲摔倒在地上,刀插进拉他的胸脯。父亲在儿子没注意的情况下,把刀上的血擦干净,放在桌上。 之后的三天,父亲和平时一样,细心照顾儿子。船终于靠岸了,父亲带着孩子走在岸上,孩子在人群中找到了妈妈。父亲倒下,胸口血流如柱,父亲走了。三天前,尖刀就刺进心脏。而父亲却可以支持三天。 医生说,这是医学上的奇迹,可有位老者却说他应该叫“父亲的奇迹”。

To my dearest father…
There is a song named “Mother is the only best in the world”. In fact, father love is also great. Children can’t grew up happily and healthy without father love. Father love is deep, selflessness, grandeur and solemnity. Fathers always don’t express their love to children because of father’s sublimity and stateliness. However, father love is beyond expression. Therefore, we should pay a tribute to our great father.
My father, a worker from countryside, is a upright, honest, hardworking, saving and wise man who pay all his attention to care and protect me. Though my family is not rich when I was a child, my father used to tell me that “You must be upright, honest, diligent and persistent to get what you want instead of achieving your dreams by any kind of means.” My father is well-read and he taught me a lot of theory and experience which I can’t learn from books. My father is serious to my study and daily life. He seldom laughed to me in my memory of childhood because he was afraid I would be loose and relax if he indulged and spoil me. I can totally understand my father’s behavior now. I am very grateful to my dad for everything he done to me.
Father’s day is coming soon. Here, I would like to say to my dear father: Dad, you are toilsome, diligent, canny and hardworking in all your life. Now, your daughter is adult and I have the ability to support myself and our family. Please don’t worry about me. Please care for yourself. Please enjoy a happy life. Your happiness is my best wishes. I sincerely hope healthy, longevity and Happiness Company with you forever. I love you forever. I love our family forever. My heart is always together with you though I am far away from hometown.I am lucky to be your daughter. I wish I would be your daughter if otherworldliness existed.”
In the end, let’s celebrate to our dear fathers “Happy father’s day.”



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