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dancing queen2009-01-15 08:33

dancing queen,yeah
you can dance, you can jive,
having the time of your life
ooo..see that girl, watch that scene,
diggin the dancing queen,yeah

friday night and the lights are low
looking out for the place to go
where they play the right music,
getting in the swing
you come in to look for a king

anybody could be that guy
night is young and the music's high
with a bit of rock music, everything is fine
you're in the mood for a dance
and when you get the chance

you are the dancing queen,
young and sweet, only seventeen
dancing queen,
feel the beat from the tambourine oh yeah
you can dance, you can jive,
having the time of your life
ooo see that girl, watch that scene,
diggin the dancing queen,yeah

you're a teaser, you turn 'em on
leave 'em burning and then you're gone
looking out for another, anyone will do
you're in the mood for a dance

anybody could be that guy
night is young and the music's high
with a bit of rock music, everything is fine
you're in the mood for a dance
and when you get the chance

you are the dancing queen,
young and sweet, only seventeen
dancing queen,
feel the beat from the tambourine oh yeah
you can dance, you can jive,
having the time of your life
ooo.. see that girl, watch that scene,
diggin the dancing queen,yeah



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Suya Say Hello to Everyone Chapter 42008-09-23 13:00

It's been a month. Or maybe two or three months. I really has forgotten. But pls don't get me wrong. I am not a lazy girl. I've been busying for my work. As a novice, babbling or toddling is no easy job. Even I didn't minute here, you know how hard I was.  


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Nothing Special 标签: 阅读(0) | 留言(0) | 2008-06-07
Suya Say Hello to Everyone Chapter 3 标签: 阅读(0) | 留言(0) | 2008-05-30
今天爸爸不在家 标签: 阅读(0) | 留言(0) | 2008-05-27
Suya Say Hello to Everyone Chapter 2 标签: 阅读(0) | 留言(0) | 2008-04-26
Suya Say Hello to Everyone Chapter 1 标签: 阅读(0) | 留言(1) | 2008-04-24
宝宝的第一篇日记 标签: 阅读(0) | 留言(2) | 2008-04-23

留言板 留言(68条)

  • ♡竹妈对宝宝说:2009-12-17 15:03:54
  • 竹竹祝福宝贝生日快乐!天天好心情!送你一篮水果愿你:苹安富贵;橘祥如意;梨想成真;杏福快乐;柿事顺利;核家欢乐;莓有烦恼;甜如甘蔗;幸运如葡萄;小小心意请笑纳.真诚邀请好朋友来家里玩哦……
  • WOaixiaowenheerzi对宝宝说:2009-11-28 17:26:01
  • 小美女真是好漂亮啊,我喜欢希望我们可以长来往,也欢迎你到我的小家看看。
  • 对宝宝说:2009-02-20 07:45:34
  • 送祝福了,祝王姝雅,甜甜蜜蜜 团团圆圆!
  • ♡竹妈对宝宝说:2008-12-17 14:34:07
  • 宝宝好,竹妈祝你生日快乐,健康快乐每一天,最近的天气多变,宝宝要注意保暖哦……
  • .球球.对宝宝说:2008-12-17 07:37:48
  • 宝宝生日快乐,祝美丽的妈妈青春永驻,祝可爱的宝宝健康成长!
  • KONGYUXUAN对宝宝说:2008-12-11 13:41:03
  • 萱萱串门看朋友了,有时间到萱萱家玩哦!
  • KONGYUXUAN对宝宝说:2008-11-15 14:26:02
  • 亲爱的朋友们,我家的宝宝参加签约小形象代言人大赛,帮我投上你宝贵的一票吧! http://cf.365ttcz.com/PreliminariesDetails.aspx?ID=608624 每个IP每小时可以同时投5票的 打开网页 点击为我加油吧 通行证1和2可以随便选择 图片出现字母A2,找到A2对应的数字,就是验证码了。如A2对应144验证码就是144,确定就可以了 注:每个IP每一小时可以投5票哦 谢谢了
  • shuya2007回复 KONGYUXUAN说: 投好了
  • hanhanmam对宝宝说:2008-11-15 14:12:05
  • 镇江感冒好了,跟着妈妈来给好朋友道谢来了!!! 请继续支持镇江的圣诞宝宝活动,好多朋友很难找到宝宝,在这里镇江妈妈说一句:辛苦大家了!目前由于参赛宝宝越来越多,镇江排在第二页"三十六号参考宝宝杨镇江"!!谢谢大家了!!镇江妈会即时回访!!!

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