越来越难管的涛涛,很有自己的主见,现在感觉带他特累08/05/25 19:15


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未命名08/05/16 10:19


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母亲节你想给妈送点啥08/05/11 11:47

Sons' Gifts to Mother Three sons discussed the gifts they were able to give their elderly mother.  The first said, &quo

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家长们不要跟孩子玩幽默08/05/08 18:18

When parents use sarcasm to playfully tease their young children, do the kids see the humour?   当父母使用讥讽的言辞拿他们年幼的孩子来开玩笑的时

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19个保持快乐心情的秘密08/05/07 12:14

1、快乐无处不在。   Seen on the bathroom walls of Concordia University: "Ignorance is bliss."and right underneath it..

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