早上在娱乐场玩,下午去给妹妹打预防针10/06/23 23:48

Since mummy gived birth, i don't want to come out to play. I never do exercise in the playgound. Now mummy can p

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去west coast plaza10/06/22 01:56

mummy really don't know what to play with us. So she bring me and mei mei to west coast plaza. Here is very good.

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姐姐阿姨们来我家10/06/18 03:30

今天有几个大姐姐和阿姨来我家看小妹妹,我可高兴了。因为他们喜欢我,我和她们玩得很开心。 姥姥做的饺子,呵呵,看起来他们可爱吃了。他们边吃边讲,我也加入他们的行列,今天的饺子真的好吃。我吃了好多。而且我还很会表现呢,又帮忙姥

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mummy want me to do or study, but i don't listen10/06/14 20:39

Mumy keep asking me to write number from 1 to 10. But i don't want. I want to write when i want to do myself not mummy f

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病彻底好了,推着小妹妹去玩10/06/12 23:51

I just took two times medicine. My fever and flu completely recovered. Lucky the medicine here is so effective. We push

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