狗保姆Ruby08/08/18 20:30


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I pass the test!08/08/15 21:07

Didn't think it's so hard! The test questions are related to Australian History and Parlimentary matters.The test takes

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妈妈快拿到绿卡了08/08/10 19:37

自打妈妈怀上我后,一直没有时间忙入籍考试的事儿。前一段时间申请了考试, 时间是8月15日下午3点。考完后妈妈就正式入澳大利亚籍了。Mum didn't have time to prepare for the Citizenship Tes

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Butterfly Laugher08/08/06 19:55

This is a beautiful Nusery Rhythm that I share with all In the middle of our porridge plates There was a blue butterfly

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