Rest at home09/01/14 19:40

I am so sorry I haven't written a diary for lele for several days.These days we were very busy and had to deal with so

标签: relaxed and happy 阅读: (0)  |  回复: (0)

陪了儿子一天09/01/10 18:43

终于有一个轻松的休息日了,安安稳稳地和儿子在暖阳下,儿子也很乖。同往常一样,吃了玩,玩累了睡。今天有我,儿子睡的很安稳,睡了两个多小时。 心情很好,冬日暖阳照在一家人身上,很舒服。我也睡了,很久了没有这样的放松和惬意。 儿子更乖了,不仅更

标签: 冬日暖阳 阅读: (0)  |  回复: (0)

A special day09/01/08 19:46

Today is a special day.That isbecausemy wife and I had to go to another school to correct the testpapers of the final e

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到处拉臭臭09/01/07 20:42

从两个月开始儿子就不怎么随便拉臭臭了,可是今天儿子表现实在令我们哭笑不得。想弄明白臭臭是什么。 中午老公接替婆婆吃饭,一进屋老公就说味道不对,但在多色图案的地垫上就什么也看不见了。但当儿子跑了几圈后,发现儿子坐下来正在拿什么东东看呢。老公

标签: 总爱闭着眼睛走路 阅读: (0)  |  回复: (0)

a relaxing day09/01/07 19:12

Today my wife and I are very happy and relaxed because we will have a long holiday soon.That is to say,we will have mor

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