留言板 留言(13条)
- nemo麻麻对果果说:2011-09-02 16:07:51
- 可爱美眉哦~ 哈
- 小李娃对果果说:2011-07-17 10:35:36
- 小宝真好玩,看得我都想捏一把
- David对果果说:2011-07-06 18:15:01
- Your beauty impressed everyone , Your beautiness flowing nowhere , going to nowhere ; Cause you are growing up under greatest protection ever than your ancestors . Your beauty gonna be like summer flowers which is in full bloom under the same sun we are living . your life gonna be the waves which is singing under the same moon we are living . Yours Uncle : David 2011.07.06
- 群群0128对果果说:2011-05-30 23:21:12
- 祝寶寶健康,快樂成長!
- 芳芳妈对果果说:2011-05-29 18:07:50
- 串门咯!快乐陪周一,幸运伴周二,轻松有周三,温馨携周四,愉悦同周五,休闲找周六,潇洒属周日;祝愿好友一周舒心
- xcwxc对果果说:2011-05-23 07:34:01
- 雨水串门来了,祝宝宝及家人健康快乐每一天!
- xcwxc对果果说:2011-05-07 06:49:02
- 雨水串门来了,祝宝宝妈妈母亲节快乐!玩的开心!
- 天使雪纯对果果说:2011-05-06 05:35:36
- 串门看可爱的宝贝,祝福宝贝健康快乐的成长!家庭幸福美满!
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