how are you13/04/24 23:23

My dear daughter, how are you! Have you spent a good day today? I am eager to go back home to listen to your funny exper

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happy birthday13/04/23 22:05

Today is 14th, March. You came to this colourful world six years ago.Happy birthday to you, my dear daught

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A quiet and peaceful night.13/04/21 22:34

My dear daughter, Kiki, have you gone to bed? I phoned you just now, but there was no answer. when i noticed t

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月儿圆圆11/04/18 23:59

亲爱的宝贝儿: 已经进入甜美梦乡了吧?知道么,此时,妈妈正望着窗外那圆圆的、皎洁的月亮,默默地把你思念&helli&helli 离开琪琪时,夜晚的天空还只是挂着小小的月牙儿,好像一把镰刀悬在高空,又像是琪琪规整而秀气的

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a special day is comming11/04/15 23:07

亲爱的宝贝儿: 明天对于我们两母女来说是很特别的日子!琪琪明天过阴历的生日,妈妈则是阳历生日,我们同时过生日哦!刚好明天是周末,妈妈会告诉小姨和舅舅带琪琪出去玩的,等妈妈回去我们重新补过,ok?遥祝亲爱的女儿生日快乐!记得给

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