姓名:李苗 小名:苗苗 性别:女孩  

      Before your birth, it's so hot. I was worried about you and feared the process when I gave the birth to you.

     When you were born, the family were so happy and excited. But at that time, there was something unhappy happened in these two families.

       Everyone wants to take good care of you and your mum, but they can't get along well with each other. Then they quarreled and even fighted. Espeically, your dad didn't know how to make me ease.

      Mum was so sad, and cried many times.......

      You know, my baby, I don't  want to make you angry to them, and I believe they also love us. I just want to tell you it's so hard for every mum to give the birth to their baby.

     So love yourself, keep healthy and happy.
