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As a Rogue, her DPS2009-01-04 14:35

This is a difficult post to make because there are several people I am leaving out. I am only going to include three wow gold embers of the guild, pulling only from the timeframe of Naxxramas, not earlier.

Zancii (Rogue)

Zancii was possibly the most intelligent person in our guild, perhaps with the exception of Torchholder. She was also one of the best workers. There are two important aspects to cover. Raiding skill and guild assistance.

As a raider, Zancii was the first to touch on Weapon Skill and the relationship with Glancing Blows. As a Rogue, her DPS on boss fights was regularly above the rest of the Rogues, and often above the rest of the raid. She was absolutely reliable as a DPSer on boss fights, and was spot on when she had to handle other responsibilities such as movement.

She also handled our DKP and other wow gold spects of the guild much better than I could. She was quick to handle loot and enter our DKP; she was even quicker to point out some arcane rules in our original loot system, often preventing guild drama from a misassigned item. She quickly sent tells when there were flaws in group organization or in boss strategy.

Iboga (Hunter)

The guild had three good Hunters through Naxxramas; Rursusferre, Dtaylor, and Iboga. Iboga held her own and maintained confidence and a sense of humor through it all -- though I never got her to agree to kiting Anub'rekhan. She also acted as a counsel to me during the most stressful period of Naxxramas. I doubt she understands how helpful her strength was to me and, in turn, to the guild.

Raeyn (Mage)

Very, very talented Mage. Her, Guerrundi, and Sinz were the strength of the magic ranged DPS -- outpacing our terrible crew of Warlocks (Darkanthias and Mizim were our only great locks in 2 years of raiding) and often destroying the meters.

Raeyn and her fiance/husband (not sure?) were also enormously helpful to our guild progression in Naxxramas through the sheer volume of farmed materials and flasks.

Tags: wow goldworld of warcraft gold

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How the World of Goo became one of the indie video game hits of 20082009-01-04 14:33

The indie movement in games goes through constant expansion and contraction. The indies are good about developing creative titles, but game costs keep rising and that makes it hard for the indies to stay afloat. Activision was formed after a group of developers broke away from Atari; CounterStrike grew from a user modification of Half-Life. Games like Portal and Braid (one developer with a budget of $180,000), not exactly traditional, have also become immensely popular recently. Costs of game development are certainly falling — the specialized hardware and software that was so costly and prohibitive in the past pose less of a barrier than they used to — but that’s not what is causing the tipping point.

What’s new is that there has been a shift in how games are getting to players. Platforms like the ones offered on Facebook and the iPhone, as well as new digital distribution channels like Steam, Nintendo’s Wiiware, and the XBox arcade have created a route for small developers to gain access to large audiences in a way that wasn’t possible before. This has brought costs way down and attracted so many people that gaming is no longer a niche market. It has also widened the selection of games, allowing the good ones to organically gain market share and the bad ones to fade away. 2DBoy actually attributes the viral success of wow gold to their blog and early web presence. After the game won awards at the Independent Games Festival at the Game Developers Conference last year, a snowball effect helped the game land publishers and other distribution deals. Suddenly, publishers who didn’t respond to earlier requests now wanted to publish the game. The duo also capitalized on every public relations opportunity that presented itself. According to Kyle, WoG is a good example of how focus on detail and quality results in a game that markets itself. Gabler isn’t talking about raising institutional funds but did hint at future growth, “the game industry is ripe for some big changes and we have a couple of ideas that would require external funding.”

The marked changes in video game distribution are part of a larger trend. We’ve already seen what’s happening with distribution of digital music (think iTunes) and video (think Netflix Instant Queue). Now it’s happening with video games too. The trend is worth watching in 2009. Tags: wow goldworld of warcraft gold


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