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感冒2011-04-08 04:39

特锐最近连续2次感冒发烧, 中间的间隔也就一个礼拜。昨天晚上还好,没有发烧。其实他每回生病的原因都特简单:晚上睡觉时爱踢被子,每天晚上只要是一睁眼,准是没有盖上。有同事建议小孩脱光了睡便不会踢被子了,想试一试,但总觉得这样会风险更大。

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Terry and his mom2009-06-24 23:11

Hi, Terry, do you know how your mom cannot help cying every time when she talked about you, since she do love you, miss you, be worried about you and cannot live together with you. Your mom always said she wants you to go to Shenzhen at the end of this year no matter how difficult it will be. She also felt sorry for you. So Terry, don't be angry with your mom again, she really don't like leaving you at hometown and living with your grandparents. When she came back to Shenzhen in May she didn't say "good bye" with you because she didn't like to see you crying. Actually her heart was broken on that moment. So, dear little Terry, don't blame your mom again. She loves you more than everything in the world. You are the most important person in her whole life. And now your mom is creating a better environment for you. When you back to live with your parents, you will deeply feel that how your mom loves you.

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未命名 标签: 阅读(0) | 留言(0) | 2008-10-07
贪玩的Terry 标签:还是外面好玩 阅读(0) | 留言(0) | 2007-11-15
玩水 标签:爱玩水的Terry 阅读(0) | 留言(0) | 2007-11-14
张特锐的日记-2007年04月20日 标签: 阅读(0) | 留言(0) | 2007-04-20
张特锐的日记-2007年02月06日 标签: 阅读(0) | 留言(0) | 2007-02-06
2007年01月24日 标签: 阅读(0) | 留言(0) | 2007-01-24

留言板 留言(15条)

  • xcwxc对Terry说:2011-05-02 08:17:34
  • 雨水串门来了,祝宝宝及家人五一节,开心快乐!
  • 对Terry说:2009-03-02 10:13:50
  • 感谢张特锐妈妈/爸爸,帮忙做的测试。有时间多到我那里去坐坐,帮多点几下,多测试一下。多谢!
  • 对Terry说:2009-02-16 00:02:30
  • 点灯笼送祝福了,祝张特锐,甜甜蜜蜜 团团圆圆!
  • YYyu10-4对Terry说:2008-09-23 21:40:20
  • 因为你的降临这一天成了一个美丽的日子,从此世界便多了一抹诱人的色彩,宝贝,生日快乐!今天也是小雨阴历的生日哦!缘分呀!!
  • 雪儿lo♥veMA咪对Terry说:2008-09-23 21:26:09
  • 祝宝宝生日快乐!健康成长每一天!一定要开心哦!宝宝真是好可爱哦!
  • 伦伦妈妈对Terry说:2008-09-23 14:24:11
  • 祝可爱的宝宝生日快乐!健康成长每一天!!
  • 黄大姐的妈妈对Terry说:2008-09-23 13:14:07
  • 生日快乐,健康成长每一天哦~~~
  • yuchen07728对Terry说:2007-11-15 22:29:38
  • 小宝贝第一次参加宝宝秀场,请大家支持我投上你们宝贵的一票.投票器在宝宝主页新日记里哦!谢谢了!

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