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Dad will be back2010-06-27 11:56

Hehe, dad will be back home in a week. yesterday grandparents companied you to gymoree where you took your early child scours, the teachers told to your grandmother it is dad and mumy who should company with you. dad knew it and dad are willing to play with you if dad was at home, you are the most important to dad  under the sun. in future dad and mumy will both paly and company with you in your lift. it is dad's wish.

标签:emotion 阅读: (0)  |  留言: (0)

children's day2010-06-03 22:18

dad can not go back home to celerate your festival-----children's day, only can dad do is mail a gift to you, my baby. it's a set of water color pens, dad found it on the internet and went to the netshop as soon as dad can, but it was too late. all pens were sold out and even there was no one left. the next day, dad went to the pacific department store where dad heard the pens might be sold, so lucky! no sooner did dad come to the sixth floor that dad saw the water color pen, according the saleswomen the pens were so miraculous that when you drew a line upon another, the color would be changed to different color, that was wnoderful!dad thought hehe must love hopes you use these pens to print intersting pics and show them to dad when dad go back home in the summer holiday. hehe, dad misses you and loves you every day and night, every time dad saw the little boys and girls in the street around me, dad missed you more. this time you may have sleeped, nice dream, my baby,kiss you.

标签:happy 阅读: (0)  |  留言: (0)


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留言板 留言(215条)

  • zhang0911对AMELY说:2010-10-06 20:30:27
  • 宝贝,生日快乐!
  • ♡竹妈对AMELY说:2010-10-06 09:12:22
  • 竹竹祝福宝贝生日快乐!天天好心情!送你一篮水果愿你:苹安富贵;橘祥如意;梨想成真;杏福快乐;柿事顺利;核家欢乐;莓有烦恼;甜如甘蔗;幸运如葡萄;小小心意请笑纳.真诚邀请好朋友来家里玩哦……
  • ★依依妈妈爱你★对AMELY说:2010-06-21 00:49:22
  • 依依参加了这期的小树之星,希望好朋友送满花支持,活动结束一定回谢.(如有重复请见谅)
  • 馨璇对AMELY说:2010-06-19 00:25:05
  • 宝贝晚上好,睡觉之前再来串串门,宝贝晚安
  • jady1213对AMELY说:2009-04-07 15:48:02
  • 下午好!来拉票了,文文参加了宝宝秀场,请您支持我,投我一票吧,文文将万分感谢!点一下我的头像,进入我的主页在日记里有看到图片点一下就可以投了。
  • 宝宝翔对AMELY说:2009-03-08 17:06:46
  • 今天是第324期“宝宝秀”评选的最后一天了,可是我的票数还很少,而且刚好“名落孙山”我真的很努力了,希望各位朋友,各位来宾,为我投一票吧,说不定你的一票会改变我的命运,我在这了谢谢你们了,我的妈妈一定会带着我亲自上门拜访感谢你的,而且回大力支持那么的所有活动的!赶快投票吧!祝妈妈节日快乐!请帮我宝宝投上你宝贵的一票吧! 谢谢你!
  • baobao-726对AMELY说:2009-03-05 19:05:12
  • 文妍来串门做客了.,欢迎你来文妍家,给文妍投上宝贵你的5票,顶下视频和点下(积分换礼品},文妍在这里先谢谢;了,你有什么活动我也大力支持你,祝你幸福健康,浇水了

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