幼儿园第一天10/09/06 08:29


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Dad will be back10/06/27 11:56

Hehe, dad will be back home in a week. yesterday grandparents companied you to gymoree where you took your early child s

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children's day10/06/03 22:18

dad can not go back home to celerate your festival-----children's day, only can dad do is mail a gift to you, my baby. i

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can not reach you, honey10/05/23 11:25

It is the most difficult thing for me under the sun that I can not speak to you, my honey, let alone see each other on t

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engle in my heart ever10/04/10 16:36

hehe, every timedad views our fammily's album, especailly your pics.dad'seyes arehumid at the first sight of your pic. y

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