




08/05/02 14:26:38 标签:双语



外出时给薇薇穿鞋,我边给她扣鞋带边说:“Buckle your shoes. Lets go out for a walk. 下楼时我说:“我们来数数有几层楼梯。We are going downstairs, lets count the steps, onetwo, three...count... 薇薇的表情好认真呀,她听着呢!
在街上,我指着飞驰的车辆对她说:“Look, this is a bus, thats a car, truck,(container freight car, it is turning left side/around now. Oh, they drove away, they are out of sight. 薇薇边看边听着我念叨。
回来后,爬上七楼,我直喘气,薇薇伸出小手在我胸口抹抹。这是她咳嗽时我做的动作,她学去了,还真会体贴人呢!我自语:“I need some rest, I am exhausted. Where is the key? Oh, here, I got it, open the door. 回到家后我放下薇薇,边换鞋边说:“Take off the shoes and change the slippers.
然后我带她去洗手,说:“Mom is going to wash my hands, and you? Put a little bit of soap liquid, then rub your fingers together until you see the bubbles, rinse and dry.
Raise your left hand

200581916个月) Raise your left hand
今天去东方爱婴上课,老师让妈妈们教宝宝分清左右手。我附在薇薇耳朵边小声说:“把左手举起来,raise your left hand. 顺便拍一下她的左手,她就高举左手。我再说:“举右手,raise your right hand. 她就举右手。音乐声响起,薇薇先拍手,我说了句:“Right, clap your hands. 接着她两手举起,一高一低标准地做跳舞的动作,左边摆摆,右边摆摆。我和她一起摇摆时对她说:Swingswing. 她嘴里配合着哼哼,喊着“跳舞”,脚还“哒哒哒”点地。我说:“Yes, tap tap your feet. 老师和其他妈妈们都很惊讶哦!
日常英语场景·穿鞋袜 Put on shoes

日常英语场景·穿鞋袜 Put on shoes
You put your shoes on wrong/Youve got your shoes on the wrong way. 你把鞋子穿错了。
Youve got your right shoe on your left foot and the left shoe on the right foot. 你把右脚的鞋子穿在左脚上,把左脚的鞋子穿在右脚上了。
Those shoes are on wrong. 鞋子穿错了。
These shoes dont match/dont go together. 这两只鞋子不是一双。
Are those shoes pinching your toes 那双鞋子挤脚吗?
Do you know how to tie your shoelaces yet?你知道怎么系你的鞋带吗?

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