




08/05/02 14:30:04 标签:兔子 乌龟



I. (Music begins. Birds and bees step onto the stage. They sing :《The More We Get Together》音乐声起,小鸟、蜜蜂等出场,演唱)

II.(Rabbit, tortoise, fox step onto the stage in turn 兔子、乌龟、狐狸等逐一出场)

Rabbit: What a sunny day! What am I going to do? Em…..

兔 子:多好的天气啊!我要干些什么呢?

Tortoise: Hello, Miss Rabbit!

乌 龟:你好,兔子小姐!

Rabbit: Oh, it's you, Mr Tortoise. What are you doing?

兔 子:哦,是你,乌龟先生,你在干什么?

Tortoise: I'm running.

乌 龟:我在练跑步。

Rabbit: Running? Haha! You can't run. Your legs are too short!

兔 子:跑步?哈哈!你不会跑,你的腿太短了!

Tortoise: Of course, I can. My legs are short but I can really run.

乌 龟:我当然会,我的腿虽短,但我确实能跑。

Rabbit: My legs are longer than yours. I'm sure I can run faster than you.

兔 子:我的腿比你的长,我相信我一定比你跑得快。

Tortoise: Don't be so sure!

乌 龟:别这么自信!

Rabbit: Then let's have a race.

兔 子:那么让我们比试比试。

Tortoise: Ok, let's do it. I'll try to win.

乌 龟:好,让我们来比比看。我要赢过你。

Fox: Go straight. See that long road? Get ready. Go!

狐 狸:往前,看见那条路了吗?预备!跑!

(The Rabbit is fast. The Ttortoise tries to run fast.兔子跑得快,乌龟也努力往前跑。)

Goat: Hello, Mr. Tortoise, what are you doing?

山 羊:你好,乌龟先生,你在干什么?

Tortoise: I'm racing with Miss Rabbit.

乌 龟:我在和兔子小姐赛跑哩。

Goat: Good luck, Mr Tortoise.

山 羊:祝你好运,乌龟先生。

Tortoise: Thank you very much.

乌 龟:谢谢你。

(The Rabbit runs fast. Suddenly she stops and looks around trying to find the Tortoise. 兔子跑得很快。突然,她停了下来,四处张望看看乌龟在哪? )

Rabbit: Where's Mr Tortoise? Aha! There he is. He's far

兔 子:乌龟先生在哪?啊哈!在哪儿,他远远

behind me. How slow he is! I'm much faster. Mmm, what a


hot day! Ahh, here's a tree. Let's me have a rest.


(The Rabbit runs toward the tree, and she sees some carrots.兔子朝树那边跑,看见胡萝卜。)

Rabbit: Look! Carrots! They look good. Hmm… Let me

兔 子:看,萝卜!多好的萝卜啊! 让我

eat some carrots. Great! Great!


Rabbit: I'm full! I'm so sleepy.

兔 子:我饱了!我真困!

(Here comes the Tortoise, and he sees the Rabbit.乌龟跑了过来,看见兔子在睡。)

Tortoise: Oh, Miss Rabbit. I will keep on going.

乌 龟:哦,兔子小姐在这,我再往前跑。

Rabbit: Ah, what a good sleep! Ouch! Oh, no! The race!

兔 子:啊,多美的一觉啊!哦,不!比赛!

Where's Mr. Tortoise? Where is he? I can't see him.


(The Rabbit wants to run a bit faster, but she is too full to run.兔子想快点跑,但太饱了跑不快。)

Rabbit: I'm so full. I'm going to lose.

兔 子:我太饱了,我要输了。

Tortoise: I'm almost there!

乌 龟:我快到终点了!

Animals: Come on, Tortoise! Come on, Rabbit! Go, Rabbit! Go, Tortoise!


Goat: Mr. Tortoise is the first! Mr. Tortoise won the race!

山 羊:乌龟第一!乌龟赢了!

(The Goat awards the Tortoise with a gold medal. All the animals cheer!山羊给乌龟挂上金牌,动物们高声欢呼!)

Rabbit: Oh, no! I lost. What a pity!

兔 子:哦,不!我输了,真倒霉!

Ⅲ.(The Rabbit cries sadly, the animals see and go to condole her.兔子伤心地哭了,动物们见了,过去安慰她。)

Goat: Look! Miss Rabbit is crying.

山 羊:看,兔子小姐在哭。

Tortoise: Oh, Miss Rabbit, never mind! Let's try again.

乌 龟:哦,兔子小姐,不要紧!让我们再比一次。

Animals: Try again.


Rabbit: Good idea! Good idea!

兔 子:好主意!好主意!

Fox: Get ready! Go!


(The Rabbit and the Tortoise race again, the animals dance and sing the song:《Jump, Jump, Jump》.兔子和乌龟重新比试,动物啦啦队跳起了欢乐的舞--《Jump , Jump, Jump》)

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