留言板 留言(17条)
- 承然小哥对琪琪说:2009-03-14 13:39:10
- 宝宝好可爱啊!欢迎到我家做客,也可到我的淘宝小店逛逛,那里很精彩哦!http://shop57158706.taobao.com/记住它没错的!
- ♡奥运乐乐对琪琪说:2008-07-31 07:52:49
- 乐乐来可爱宝宝家串门儿啦!有时间也来我家坐坐吧,我的活动都接近尾声了,请来给我浇水、火炬投5票、顶发型秀、好吗?先谢谢啦!我会回访道谢及回投的哦~
- 语彤宝贝对琪琪说:2008-07-30 23:45:44
- 祝宝宝生日快乐,有空来我家玩哦~
- 龚姿涵对琪琪说:2008-07-30 15:25:56
- 好朋友,缘分呀.生日快乐,欢迎回访姿涵的小家,支持姿涵2票,
- 龚姿涵对琪琪说:2008-07-30 15:22:27
- 好朋友,缘分呀.生日快乐,欢迎回访姿涵的小家,支持姿涵2票,
- dongruy对琪琪说:2008-07-30 15:01:16
- 祝宝宝生日快乐,欢迎来我家串门浇水哦。
- keaidejiaxin1对琪琪说:2008-07-30 13:55:58
- 请好心的你帮小佳鑫投一票:http://2008.ci123.com/main.php?action=petdetail.html&id=1344 点鼓励一下就行 真心感谢,祝你合家欢乐,万事如意!
- mars-yang对琪琪说:2008-07-30 12:59:14
- 寶寶中午好!小夢又來串門了喲!! 祝寶寶健康成長!!!
- jasmine0910对琪琪说:2008-07-30 11:59:43
- 祝可爱宝贝生日快乐,身体健康天天开心!
- niuniu070413对琪琪说:2008-05-14 17:01:19
- let us prey for the babies and children and persons who suffered in the earthquake in Sichuang province !!!
- niuniu070413对琪琪说:2008-05-14 17:01:17
- let us prey for the babies and children and persons who suffered in the earthquake in Sichuang province !!!
- lishasha239对琪琪说:2008-05-04 15:07:59
- 字太小了,可不可以放大点。。
- laneliuxing对琪琪说:2008-05-04 13:20:36
- 谢谢大家,有空常来呀
- XIXIMA对琪琪说:2008-04-29 14:06:50
- 阳阳来串门了,也欢迎你去我家玩啊,顺便帮我浇两个水哦
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